Beckett Legore is a DIS student from Texas, USA. He came to Denmark feeling burned out as a climate activist because he was fed up with American government and companies prioritizing short term profits above everything else. However, he did not find his climate utopia ind Denmark.
In the video he speaks at the weekly climate reminder (Klimapåmindelsen) on Thursdays to the Danish politicians in front of the Danish parliament. On this specific Thursday the event was organized together with the NGO Fossil Free Future (Fossilfri Fremtid).
On this specific day the parliament will approve expansion plans for Copenhagen Airport that put another 2.1 million (2.1*10e6) metric tons of greenhouse gasses (CO2e) a year in the atmosphere.
This Thursday the climate reminder event is a joint meeting with the Fossil Free Future organisation (Fossilfri Fremtid) where Esther – that Becket mentions as his professor – is one of the activists.
The organisation Fossil Free Future tries to stop the loopholes deliberately placed in the Danish climate legislation that allow for continued extraction of fossil fuels from the North Sea. Beckett mentions a few of the loopholes in his speech.
The video was recorded on November 30, 2023 outside the Danish parliament.